15 yen en 50 sen

Within temptation,Minute After Midnight,Louna、Ayumi Hamasaki. 🇺🇦、🇹🇼有事

Entries from 2024-10-01 to 1 month

Congratulations to me 🎉🎂

Ik ben al 49 jaar oud.Gefeliciteerd mij🎉Het is zo snel om oud te worden.


Ik heb het weer! Van Watanabe Sake-brouwerij! Ga voor meer informatie naar threads 一部だけ つば九郎の足と何かしら見えてますが。 Threads


I'm glad to be free from follow requests from people who don't share my interests or don't share my tastes. I block follow requests from people other than Yakult Swallows fans and music fans on Instagram, so I don't write about them on my …


I probably won't post pictures of the babies on Instagram, but I might post pictures of them on my sister social networking sites. I'll also post pictures of the babies on this blog. I have one female baby and three male babies.


I uninstalled X. I'll stick with Instagram and this blog for now. But X sent me a follow request.🤭🤭🤭 I deleted my account. Goodbye. I'm on Threads as @2896tsubakuro.283. To follow threads and replies, please install the app. https://www.threa…


I'm going to stick to Instagram. If the system of X changes. If you are a Yakult Swallows or music fan, I will accept your Instagram follow request and follow you back. But I won't do anything else. Rika2896wtys (@2896tsubakuro.283) • Inst…


You can only create one new account, but what if you make three? What if you also monitored the devices of people who create multiple accounts and gave them an error? Why not make it impossible to register? Or why not make X invitation-onl…


It's no longer just about Ukraine. That's because China is targeting Taiwan , and because they've violated Japanese airspace.Ukraine doesn't matter. I feel bad for the Ukrainian people though.I haven't watched any of the videos by Ukraini…


https://x.com/JTokumo63512?t=01pxbQnfcH0VfJfgSIbXkw&s=09 おめでたいやつが来ましたね~頭が。 全て、ブロック致しました〜


x.com/tianmahoro7242… おんなじやつやから、気をつけてください!スパムやで! x.com/FumiyoSant9914… はー?こいつ、ふたつもあかしとる! 出るとこ出るよ! x.com/tianmahoro7242… おんなじやつやから、 x.com/FumiyoSant9914… SNSストーカーされてます。 …


x.com/Sayumi534260?t… あほあほあほあほんだら


In memory of Liam Payne, we pray for his soul to rest in peace. Amazon MusicでOne Directionのミッドナイト・メモリーズを再生する


明らかに、 x.com/sakuko1092699?… 明らかに、頭おかしいのー? お寺周りしてください


https://x.com/sae1594298?t=SODGsFKPo0-IJe5uyA2Q0Q&s=09 は? また、ハートだよ~! なんか、ほんまもんの人間じゃないみたい、ロボット?


https://x.com/shizunashi57304?t=hjq_vm4T5dVqS2niMbZtLw&s=09 誰やねん、これ!脳外科に行ってください!

Mental breakdown

Ik ben er niet om vrienden te maken op het werk.Of het nu gaat om een ​​voedselfabriek of een plukbedrijf, er is een gebrek aan vertrouwen in de mens. Wees redelijk tegen mensen. Het is niet nodig om samen lunchen.Nou, ik zeg gewoon hallo.…


https://x.com/DebbieMori48209?t=M9bjWrUG-uZ247FMgm0wzA&s=09 うっさいボケ! 脳外科に診てもらえ!


https://x.com/DebbieMori48209?t=M9bjWrUG-uZ247FMgm0wzA&s=09 うっさいボケ! 脳外科に診てもらえ!


Vandaag heb ik op mijn eerste werkdag hard gewerkt aan mijn lichaam van midden veertig! In het begin was ik zenuwachtig, maar het was een saaie klus. Ik was zo opgewonden. Ik moet morgen ook werken, dus ik doe mijn best! De taak die ik heb…


Wagakki Band's last album ALL TIME BEST ALBUM THANKS ~八奏ノ音~ - YouTube Tears of collapse! - YouTube

This is 

https://x.com/Rika_wtys2896?t=3TxNapfLWf-trTRh34szXA&s=09 Sometimes closed, sometimes open. This is


I don't want people from China 🇨🇳! Because there are maggots in my head. I don't want to be friends with them. No thanks.


きもーい○ね こいつ誰?!日本語読めないのかよ!ばーか!https://x.com/YouDiao42157?t=mfBulQgJYCp9fROSTu1_og&s=09


- YouTube I've been a fan since I was into Vocaloid! Whenever I had a setback, I would listen to this! I think it's a song to cheer me on in life!Thank you to everyone in the Wagakki Band! Please get back together again someday! Every song…

お題「邦画でも洋画でもアニメでも、泣けた!というレベルではなく、号泣した映画を教えてください。」Deze film maakte me voor altijd aan het huilen 0 https://watch.amazon.co.jp/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.a2a9f576-e417-b9fe-cb0b-446b35641d03&ref_=a…


During the remote Jehovah's Witnesses meeting, when I wasn't using the camera, I was drinking, acting casual, and dozing off (lol). I felt like I was in a dream and not listening to what they were saying. (lol) It's a funny story. I've cut…




赤ん坊画像、パクっても大歓迎ですぞ!←排泄物たれ流し(笑)←ガリガリ赤ん坊ギャー泣き(笑)おもろい顔やねー ←哺乳瓶ラッパ飲み


Het werd 15 yen en 50 sen. De naam van de blog.


I'm posting a picture of a bottle of sake, but I'm drinking it at my house. It's not a shop, it's an ordinary person. That's why you don't let people from other countries drink it. Am I misunderstanding something? 日本に観光する場所はネッ…